The 50th 2010 International Boat Show in Genoa, Italy

Genoa International Boat Show has reached its fiftieth edition. The Show, which ...

The 50th 2010 International Boat Show in Genoa, Italy

July 27, 2010

Written by Mike Smith

Genoa International Boat Show has reached its fiftieth edition. The Show, which was held for the first time in 1962, and twice in 1972, was presented today in Milan by Fiera di Genova Spa’s Chairman, Paolo Lombardi, the President of UCINA-Confindustria Nautica (the Italian Boating Industry Confederation), Anton Francesco Albertoni, Fiera di Genova’s CEO, Roberto Urbani, and UCINA’s General Manager, Marina Stella.

International Boat Show in Genoa 2010 logo

Innovation, a complete product range, and quality: these will be the key-words of the 2010 Genoa Boat Show, an event which over the last fifty years has progressively gained the worldwide leadership and become the international reference point for the recreational boating industry as a whole.

Over two months before its opening day, the Show – which will feature power boats, sailing boats, inflatable boats, engines, technical apparel, accessories, nautical tourism, and services – is expected to host 1,400 exhibitors and 2,300 crafts overall, 500 of which will be on display in the water. Over 36% of exhibitors will come from abroad, proving once more the Show’s international significance. 500 new models will be launched at the Show. These figures bear witness to the Show’s liveliness: against a general economic scenario that is forcing companies to implement highly selective commercial strategies, Genoa Boat Show keeps strengthening its position as an unmissable event for all market operators.

To its more-than-aware public and to professional operators, Genoa International Boat Show will offer TechTrade, the section devoted to components and accessories for pleasure boating. Monday, 5 and Tuesday, 6 will be the b2b preferential days.

Moreover, in order to further enhance b2b transactions with foreign operators during the Show, this year UCINA intends to promote several initiatives, in accordance with the principles expressed in the sector agreement reached with MISE (the Italian Ministry for Economic Development) and ICE (the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade) for the promotion and support of exports.

The traditional mission of foreign operators will consequently be longer, this year, and involve more participants, the final objective being doubling the presence of foreign professional operators at the Show against last year and favouring in particular the participation of representatives from strategic markets like China, India, North Africa and South America.

International Boat Show in Genoa

The layout

Genoa 2010 Boat Show will confirm its traditional layout, very appreciated by the public because of the easily identifiable product sectors, the stunning setting of the floating part (over a hundred and ten thousand square metres of water surface), and the nine-kilometre long pathways on the sea. The sailing boats will be berthed again in the western docks. As regards ashore areas – four pavilions, a tensile structure by the sea, and large outdoor areas –, the layout of the TechTrade section in pavilion C and of the shopping area in the second gallery of pavilion S has been further improved. The trade press will be hosted in the partially sheltered areas of pavilion S. This year too, the twenty-thousand-square-metre ground floor of pavilion S will be entirely used to display power boats up to 12 metres, “package” boats (inflatables and rigid boats with engine), and outboard engines. Electronic instruments and equipment for sports fishing, ports & marinas and related services, as well as financial & leasing services will be again located in the first gallery. Other inflatable boats and other trade publications will be hosted in pavilion D; inboard and inboard-outboard engines, engine accessories, and generators will be on display on the ground floor of pavilion C, while the institutions in charge of safety at sea will be in pavilion C’s gallery. Pavilion B will be the stage for power boats up to 16 metres at the quay-level. The upper floor will host inflatable boats, while some of the leading Italian and international brands will be displayed under the tensile structure.

Following the completion river-covering works on the south side, traffic will be smoother in Piazzale Kennedy. Thanks to the temporary bridge specifically built for the ongoing works, vehicles accessing the fairground area will have available two lanes. This will make access easier, particularly during build-up and break-down operations.

The general scenario

After a tough 2009, which undoubtedly put to the test several companies in this sector, the Italian boating industry is now facing an equally demanding 2010. In spite of some slight improvements recorded, the general trend is characterised by great caution and by the awareness that reaching the productivity results achieved in the years before the crisis is going to be a difficult target for some more time.

Based on a preliminary analysis of 2009 final data – which confirm an overall 30.5% drop compared to 2008 -, it can be noted that the most heavily affected sectors were the components and engines ones. On the other hand, the fact that exports held (recording only a 15% decrease) allowed the Italian boating industry – whose overall value amounts to 3 billion dollars – to maintain its ranking among the first twenty pleasure boat-exporting countries in the world.

This is a very significant aspect, especially considering that boats ranks 5th among the “Made in Italy” products most widely appreciated in foreign countries.

These data – together with a stronger growth of the Italian GDP in the first quarter of 2010 compared to those of other EU countries like Spain, France, and the UK and the interest shown by several emerging markets (like China, India, Turkey and Brazil) towards Italian boats – are an excellent starting point to hope in a rapid recovery of the boating industry and in new stable and long-term growth rates.

Conferences, meetings, and other events

The various initiatives promoted for the Show’s fiftieth anniversary include the by-now traditional calendar of institutional conferences and events organised by UCINA.

The various events will be held applying the talk-show formula and will focus on three main themes, with the goal of providing a general overview on the Italian boating industry and offering some important “food for thought” on the main sector subjects and issues.

International Boat Show in Genoa - Image by Lazzara Yachts

A comparison between Italy and other countries will be the core subject of the conference “Dall’Italia all’Europa, le politiche per la competitività” (From Italy to Europe, competitiveness policies), an opportunity to highlight how some foreign countries, mainly France, are a model to draw inspiration from as regards tax policies and credit systems.

The meeting “Dallo Stato alle Regioni, sostenere la crescita” (From the State to the Regions – supporting growth) will aim at triggering a debate on the possible streamlining of administrative rules and procedures, focusing on the following subjects: nautical tourism, federalism of state-owned areas, ports and infrastructures, networks and districts.

The topical issue of research and technological innovation will be the main theme of the conference “Dal presente al futuro, la nautica guarda avanti” (From the present to the future, the boating industry looks ahead), which will discuss the forthcoming challenge of “green solutions” and environmental sustainability.

The Liguria Regional Council will further increase its involvement in the Boat Show by organising a series of meetings and conferences devoted to European projects in which it is a partner or the Lead Partner related to the theme of the sea as an economic, tourist, environmental and food resource. More specifically, the Innautic project will be presented (in which UCINA is a partner), devoted to the theme of innovation in the boating industry and the strengthening of the cooperation between research and the business world.

Moreover, inside the fairground, the Sea Theatre will host a rich calendar of side events, giving the public the chance to discover boating and the sea. Conferences, meetings, and sports events will animate the fairground.

The Show will be the stage for the presentation of the second Maìna – Festa della Marineria (Marine Festival), held in La Spezia and to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Regia Scuola Navale (the Royal Naval School) with a conference promoted by the School of Engineering of the University of Genoa. Like every year, Genoa International Boat Show will also host the press conference for the presentation of the sailing trophy Trofeo Accademia Navale e Città di Livorno (T.A.N. – Livorno and Sail Academy Trophy), the 12th Nautical Marathon organised by UCINA, Circolo Mandraccio and Yacht Club Città di Genova, and the 32nd International Optimist Meeting – 14th Umberto Pitti Trophy.

The Presidential Committee of ISFBO – the International Federation Boat Show Organizers – will meet on Thursday 7 October, as decided during last June’s meeting in Chicago.

“Navigar m’è dolce” (Sweet Navigation) – the last leg of UCINA’s yearly campaign for the promotion of “boating for all” – will be held this year too.

The Boat Show’s website is a vital tool ensuring dialogue between the organisers and the exhibitors and allowing to manage all necessary formal procedures. Moreover, thanks a dedicated, constantly updated information section it will be possible to purchase tickets on-line, book visits to individual stands, consult the Show’s catalogue, and find useful information on accommodation and initiatives in town, as well as previews on new models on display at the Show.


Following last year’s success as the main sponsor, Rolex goes further and confirms it will be the “official watch” of the Show for a three-year period.

The 50th anniversary book

On the occasion of the Show’s fiftieth edition, Sagep is publishing a volume tracing back the Boat Show’s history from 1962 to date, with the contributions of journalists and representatives of the boating world.

The “Welcoming Project” and the Info Points at the Show

Shuttle buses from the Rivieras, the airport, railway stations, parking areas, and the main hotels in town (including 3-star hotels), an information kit for all Show visitors, and a large Information stand inside the Show will be the core elements of the 2010 “Welcoming Project” organised by Fiera di Genova and UCINA in cooperation with the City Promotion Board (including Genoa Municipality, Genoa Province, Genoa Chamber of Commerce, Genoa Port Authority) and the Liguria Region. This project includes a series of services that have been constantly increased and improved over the years, to meet the needs of both visitors and exhibitors and to make their stay in town increasingly enjoyable. The services will also include a bus connecting the Show to the city centre, devoted to shopping and a tour of Genoa. Following last year’s successful debut, a special menu reserved to the Boat Show exhibitors is currently being prepared by Genoese restaurants.

Seven information kiosks will be set up in strategic locations inside the fairground and will make visiting the Show much easier and enjoyable.

Opening hours, entrances, parking in town, and boat services

The Show will be open every day from 10 am to 6.30 pm. The entrance ticket will cost 15 Euros, concessions 12 Euros. Free entrance for children under the age of 6, concessions for groups of at least 30 people and for children aged between 6 and 14 years. There will be three accessways to the Show: from the Eastern Gate in Piazzale Kennedy; on the western side through the Ship Repair area (Riparazioni Navali); and from the quay reserved to ferry boats transporting passengers from the Old port, Sestri Ponente, Pegli, and any other parking areas located in the port. Dogs, on the leash and muzzled, will be admitted to the Show. Like every year, the organisers recommend the use of public transport – trains, buses (frequency will be increased and special lines will be added), taxies, and ferries. Over 6 thousand parking spots will be available close to the fair and exhibition centre, and will be highlighted by ad-hoc signs.

For the first time, on the occasion of the 50th edition of the Show, Genoa International Boat Show visitors and exhibitors will be offered a new, innovative service, provided in cooperation with the newborn private airline S.T.C. Aviation – operating under the My Jet brand -, which will connect Genoa to any destination or departure airport required with its last-generation business jets.

Moving freely around the fairground

For those who have difficulties in walking, this year too Fiera di Genova – in cooperation with Terre di Mare (Genoa Provincial centre for accessibility and tourism for the disabled) and with the technical-operating support of the social cooperative La Cruna – will set up a dedicated ticket counter and accessway in Piazzale Kennedy as well as a welcoming service making available four-wheel electrical scooters and wheelchairs to ensure everyone can visit the Show freely. An ad-hoc map showing the recommended routes will be distributed, while an on-demand shuttle service will connect nearby parking areas to the Show.

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