Thanks to the new contracts between Azimut-Benetti and 20 other luxury superyacht sector companies, the first boat-building business network has been established in Livorno, Italy. With Livorno Confindustria’s support, the first “network contract” was signed last Friday, 28 October between Azimut–Benetti and approximately twenty supply companies spanning the entire production chain – from layout to systems to furnishings – with the aim of creating an industry-wide network.
“The purpose of the boat-building network,” explained Giovanni Vatteroni, Azimut-Benetti’s Livorno plant Director and President of the newly-formed network, “is to increase the companies’ innovative capacity and competitiveness on national and international markets, improving quality levels and efficiencies in the associated businesses by activating new kinds of collaboration and coordination, adopting predefined high standards for production and service, and sharing co-engineering practices and qualified training.”
It is an innovative and extremely flexible organisational model which is founded on a single fundamental principle: joining forces. This makes it possible to both offer the end-customer innovation and quality levels unattainable by each provider individually as well as maximise overall efficiencies, ultimately becoming more competitive on the market.
Pictured above is the stunning 70m Benetti charter yacht Reverie
The network contract aims to overcome the rigidity of the customer-supplier relationship in favour of a shared work model organised according to specific themes: furnishings, systems, and layout. This new model coordinates and channels the energies of the individual participants – even if they are not directly involved in the theme – to improve the final product and the production process.
At the same time that Azimut-Benetti Group yachts were receiving wide acclaim overseas for the upcoming 2012 season and founder and Group President Paolo Vitelli was representing the international boating industry at the official opening ceremony of the 52nd Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, the first phase of a network management software project was being launched in Livorno. The software project is being designed to coordinate information flow via a shared platform as well as support the real-time activities of companies in the network.
Companies who have signed the network contract include: Mobilart Srl, Arredomare Srl, Sider Piombino Spa, Carmet Srl, So.L.Mec Srl, Heinen Hopmann Italia Srl, S.C.M Srl, Mec Carpensalda di Lotti Bruno & C.Snc, Consorzio Pucci Yachting, Tecnel Srl, Finservices Impianti e Servizi Srl, Elettromar Spa, La Toscana Impianti Srl, Team Italia Srl, STORM srl, (KANO)Domosystems Engineering Srl, Serventi Giovanni & C. Snc.
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Benetti Charter Yacht Images

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