Carbon credits from a renewable power station in the Galapagos Islands by Yacht Carbon Offset

Available now on a first come first served basis for allocation to yachts that ...

Carbon credits from a renewable power station in the Galapagos Islands by Yacht Carbon Offset

June 27, 2012

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

Available now on a first come first served basis for allocation to yachts that desire to choose this project for their offset programme, Yacht Carbon Offset provides carbon credits from a renewable power station in the Galapagos Islands. Potential clients are invited to communicate their interest to the company for a no-obligation quotation.

Yacht Carbon Offset

The small project consists of three wind turbines, with a combined generating capacity of 2.4MW, on the island of San Cristóbal in the Galapagos Islands. The units displace the use of diesel-fuelled generation units, and in the first year of operation (2007-08) they provided 31% of the island’s electricity supply. The first 3km of power lines has been placed underground to minimise the hazard to the endangered indigenous Galapagos Petrel, and other bird species.

Yacht Carbon Offset’s Managing Director Mark Robinson said: “For those that have an affinity for the Galapagos, this is a great opportunity.  The project has taken account of the extreme ecological sensitivity, and contributes to a reduction in the frequency of fuel deliveries required by the island, with a corresponding reduction in the risk of spillages.  Importantly, the project meets our stringent requirements for independent verification (in this instance by TÜV Nord) so Owners and Charter Clients can have full confidence that their carbon offset is based on real, measurable greenhouse gas reductions.”

Yacht Carbon Offset provides a fully-documented service for those that own and enjoy the world’s leading superyachts and has Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Certification.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Carbon credits from a renewable power station in the Galapagos Islands by Yacht Carbon Offset".

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