Codecasa Shipyards are delighted to announce that they will launch the all-new Codecasa 42 Vintage motor yacht Hull F 75 in a few days as the second launching of this season.
After the recent launching of the CODECASA 50s, Hull C120, motor yacht Framura 3, held last week, Codecasa Shipyards are going to launch the new CODECASA 42 – Vintage Series, Hull F75 yacht.
The launching, scheduled next Thursday, June 27th, 2013 at 11.00 a.m. at the Codecasa premises in Viareggio, will take place in the presence of some selected Guests and all workers and employees of the Company.
The CODECASA 42 – Vintage Series yacht Hull F75, the project of which was totally developed by the Shipyard in-house staff, both from the technical and architectonic point of view, is the second unit of a successful series of Yachts which was officially presented in 2011, when the sister-ship, motor yacht Hull F73, had been awarded with the Nautical Design Awards for the Best Interior Design.
Below is a choice of the superb charter yachts built by Codecasa.
Codecasa Charter Yacht Images

More: Codecasa Image Gallery