At the moment, the well known Italian shipyards, Codecasa, based in Viareggio and Navicelli-Pisa, are working on the realization of three new vessels. These include motor yacht Hull F 75, a 50m Vintage series yacht, as well as Hull C 120 superyacht.
In construction, by the Viareggio dock, is the second model of the CODECASA 42 VINTAGE, motor yacht Hull F 75. She is a steel structure plus alluminium displacement vessel, twin boat to the already existing Hull F 73 yacht. This one, completed in Summer 2011, had a great success of public and in the yachting field. She won the 2011 Nautical Design Award for the “Best Interior Design” category.
Luxury yacht Hull F 75 will be ready before Summer 2013, but Codecasa also started the construction of the Vintage series flagship, a 50-metre yacht model, whose delivery is scheduled for Spring 2015.
At the same time, by the Codecasa yards with base at Navicelli-Pisa, the company currently has the first specimen of the open series CODECASA 50s motor yacht Hull C 120 under construction. This new Build is a continuum of the previous 35, 41 and 45 meters series. This vessel will be completely built in aluminium light alloy according to Prof. Bacigalupo’s design. She will be ready in Summer 2013.
The new projects currently under definition by the Codecasa technical staff are the first CODECASA 75 and new versions of the CODECASA 65 SERIES.
Below is a choice of the beautiful charter yachts built by Codecasa.
Codecasa Charter Yacht Images

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