This week saw the Queensland’s award winning Southport Yacht Club (SYC) achieve the internationally recognised Gold Anchor accreditation. At its most recent meeting, the Marina Industries Association (MIA) approved SYC’s Gold Anchor status, as part of its MIA International Gold Anchor Rating Scheme for luxury yacht marinas. SYC’s marina is spectacularly located at the southern end of the Gold Coast Broadwater, with 300 berths and 7 new berths for yachts measuring over 25m in length.

Gold Anchor presentation at Southport Yacht Club: L to R - Colin Bransgrove, Jason Schultz - Marina Assistant, John Hogan- Superior, Brett James - Southport Yacht Club General Manager, Mark Riddell - Waterfront Manager & Jodie Wright - Marina Assistant
MIA President Andrew Chapman said, “Southport Yacht Club is a great example of a destination marina. The Club is a recognized tourist draw card on the iconic Gold Coast, providing an extensive range of recreation and leisure activities for members and guests. It has well maintained dockside facilities, services and booking practices. It is committed to environmental best practice and effective communication with its members. The Club’s signature restaurant was a worthy recipient of the 2013-2014 Marina Restaurant of the Year.”
“The strong focus on customer service is evident and third party member feedback conducted as part of the Gold Anchor audit process supported this finding. The Gold Anchor Scheme sets a very high bar and it is a credit to Southport Yacht Club that is rates as a 41/2 Gold Anchor marina,” Mr. Chapman said.
Southport Yacht Club General Manager Brett James said it was an honour to be recognised as a Gold Anchor marina. “The Club is committed to continual improvement of its facilities and services. The MIA’s Gold Anchor Scheme provided a valuable assessment tool for measuring performance and we are proud the join the ranks of MIA’s accredited Gold Anchor marinas across Australia and overseas.”
Gold Anchor marinas are subject to desk top and site audits as well as structured feedback provided by marina berth-holders. Once accredited an MIA Gold Anchor marina is subject to periodic ‘mystery shopper’ checks to ensure service is being maintained at or above the designated rating.