WESTREC Marinas’ Harbour Towne Marina in Dania, Florida is pleased to announce that Barry J. Armband is joining the operation as Marina Manager, effective immediately. Barry’s impressive background is ideally suited to the intricacy of Harbour Towne Marina, renowned for its marina operations and service, and its vibrant community of marine brands and businesses.

Barry Armband, Harbour Towne Marina Manager. Copyright 2012 WESTREC Marinas
Barry has spent 16 years in the marina industry, including serving for the past five years as Harbor Master and Property Manager at Waterways Marina Condominium Association, Inc. From 1994-2006, he worked at Meridian Marine Corporation as Operations Manager.
This background—encompassing customer service, megayacht chandlery, supervisory functions, staff training, vendor negotiations and contracts, leasing, inventory, and A/R and A/P—runs parallel to the services that Harbour Towne Marina provides to its yachting customers, boat brokerages and related marine enterprises located in the Harbour Towne Marina campus.
Barry Armband is married with three grown children, a four-year old granddaughter and another grandchild on the way.
As the world’s largest owner operator of marinas and marine-related businesses, Westrec Marinas provides professional management services to its properties, affiliates and clients throughout the world. Founded in 1987, Westrec manages marina facilities located both in fresh and salt water environments, handling vessels ranging in size from personal watercraft to megayachts. Solutions unique to Westrec have been incorporated into our corporate philosophy throughout Westrec’s rapid growth. Service, our most important product, has remained unchanged since day one.

WESTREC's Harbour Towne Marina, Dania, Florida, Copyright 2012 WESTREC Marinas
About Harbour Towne Marina
Harbour Towne Marina is described best by one word “service”. With a compliment of over 20 waterside businesses and some of South Florida’s largest yacht brokerages located on the property, Harbour Towne is able to provide a wide range of services and amenities for professional captains as well as the weekend boater. Harbour Towne Marina offers a multitude of marine maintenance and repair services necessary to keep any vessel in top performance, including bottom work, rigging, painting, fiberglass, canvas, interior design, refinishing, custom woodworking, engine service and absentee yacht management.
Amenities Include:
• Wet slips accommodating vessels up to 200′
• 613 dry storage spaces for boats up to 50′
• 30, 50 and 100 amp single, three phase and 480 volt electrical service
• Minutes to Port Everglades inlet
• Full service fuel dock with sanitary pump-out station
• Complete marine repair facilities
• 88-ton travel lift
• Boat brokerage sales and service
• 24-hour security • Dock Store – gifts, snacks, bait & tackle, necessities
• Shower and laundry facilities
• Marina of the Year 2003 (Marina DockAge)
• Clean Marina and Clean Boatyard designations from the State of Florida
• Easy access with no bridges Harbour Towne Marina