Global Telesat Communications, on of the top companies in the supply of marine satellite communications equipment and airtime, are pleased to announce the addition of James Phipps to their team as a Sales & Technical Support Associate.
James is already familiar with Global Telesat Communications and the work they do as he is joining his father (Managing Director, David Phipps) and sister (International Sales & Marketing Manager, Jenna Phipps) to take up his new role in the family business. Furthermore, James steps into his new role with over twelve years experience of handling motor boats and holds various RYA motor boating qualifications.
James commented; “I have been immersed in Global Telesat, the products and how the company works since a young age, so I am thrilled to be joining the family business and contribute my marine knowledge and love of boats to the company as it continues to grow.”
International Sales & Marketing Manager, Jenna Phipps added; “James’ marine knowledge will be invaluable to our customers and he knows that we pride ourselves on the fact that we are a family business and provide the highest levels of service to customers. It is great to have him on board.”