Marine15 early bird registration will close tomorrow, on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. The event will take place from May 3 to 5 on the Gold Coast, a popular Australia yacht holiday destination.
Delegates save at least $100 with early bird registration. According to marine15 Organising Committee member Colin Bransgrove from the Marina Industries Association there has been a sharp pick up in registrations in the last week. “As industry comes out of the summer boating season businesses have started to look at coming events. On the back of very good ‘word of mouth’ promotion generated by marine13, we are getting plenty of new registrations as well as repeats from those who attended the international conference and trade exhibition last time. The finalisation of speakers including Bernard Salt who is one of the most sought after speakers at Australian conferences has been a further boost to registration,” he said.
The business to business trade show called marineX@marine15 continues to attract new exhibitors such as All Marine Spares, ABSS PL and Puls Metering Solutions. The Organising Committee meets this Thursday on the Gold Coast and expects that of the available trade spaces, 85% will have been booked with additional businesses still considering participation.
Full details of the latest conference program, the list of exhibitors and all the pre and post events are regularly updated on the marine15 website.