P.A.E. (Pacific Asian Enterprises) is gearing up for the delivery of the new flagship, the magnificent Nordhavn 120 yacht Aurora. The first N120 motor yacht Aurora is due to be taken on her own bottom from the South Coast Factory in China to her new home in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She is presently going through final ocean trials in preparation of her maiden voyage, which is scheduled to start at the end of this month.
A delivery crew that includes P.A.E. vice president Jim Leishman, Naval Architect Jeff Leishman, the new owner of Nordhavn 120 superyacht Aurora, and a collection of factory staff and vendor technicians will make the 5,500-nm trip. The itinerary calls for one planned stop in Hong Kong.
Below is a selection of the luxurious charter yachts built by Nordhavn.
Nordhavn Charter Yacht Images
More: Nordhavn Image Gallery