Held from August 13 to 14, the boat yards throughout Maine will welcome the general public for tours, discussions as well as interviews. Locals and tourists alike are invited to stop by any of the participating yards during their regular business hours to get an insider’s view of the craftsmanship involved in the boat building and repair processes among Maine boat yards. The Open Boat Yard Days event is organised annually by Maine Built Boats Inc. to promote the value and integrity of yachts constructed in the state of Maine.

Incat Crowther designed 40m catamaran motor yacht Zenith (IC0832) built by Sabre Yachts - one of the yards participating in the Open Boat Yard Days
The yards currently participating in the 2012 Open Boat Yard Days are: Atlantic Boat Company of Brooklin, Back Cove Yachts of Rockland, Front Street Shipyard of Belfast, Great Harbor Boatworks of Southwest Harbor, Great Island Boat Yard of Harpswell, The Hinckley Company of Trenton and Southwest Harbor, John Williams Boat Company of Hall Quarry, Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding of Thomaston, Morris Yachts of Bass Harbor, Portland Yacht Services of Portland, and Sabre Yachts of Casco. Additional yards likely will join the event as well.
“Maine boatbuilders are known worldwide for their superior capabilities and craftsmanship,” says Jon Johansen, president of Maine Built Boats Inc. “This is an opportunity for the public to meet the talented builders, ask questions about the processes and see the remarkable technologies they have in their shops.”
Open Boat Yard Days is free to the public and no reservations are required to visit any of the yards.