Royal Huisman has signed an order for the all-new sailing yacht Hull 395, as reported by the respected Dutch shipyard in the latest issue of its news magazine INHUIS. More details about superyacht Hull 395, measuring just under 40 meters in length, are still to be revealed.
The yard is currently working on the 46-metre superyacht Hull 392, a 46m plumb-bowed classic pilot ketch (51.8m with bowsprit) designed by Hoek Design with interior by Redman Whiteley Dixon and scheduled for delivery in summer 2014. Another vessel currently under construction is the 48-metre superyacht Hull 393, with interior design by Rhoades Young and delivery scheduled for spring 2014.
Below is a choice of the oustanding charter yachts built by Royal Huisman.
Royal Huisman Charter Yacht Images