Programme of the 7th Annual Future of Superyachts Conference, June 19-20, 2012

Now strongly established as a “must attend” event on the superyacht ...

Programme of the 7th Annual Future of Superyachts Conference, June 19-20, 2012

March 29, 2012

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

Now strongly established as a “must attend” event on the superyacht calendar, The Future of Superyachts, the 7th Annual Conference is held in Palma just before the Superyacht Cup, on the 19th and 20th June 2012, hosting an elite group of industry leaders for networking as well as debate.

7th Future of Superyachts Conference to be held in one of the most popular Spanish yacht charter destinations - Palma de Mallorca

7th Future of Superyachts Conference to be held in one of the most popular Spanish yacht charter destinations - Palma de Mallorca

The Future of Superyachts focuses on legal, financial, tax, crewing, registration, build and design issues, and regularly attracts an international audience of senior yacht executives.



AGENDA (subject to change)

08.30    Refreshments, registration and exhibition

08.55    Conference organizer`s opening remarks

Session One: Welcome to the conference

09.15    Conference organizer`s opening remarks

09.20    Welcome from the Chair: Paul Miller, R&Q Marine Services

09.30    Welcome Address: Diego Colon, President, AEGY

09.40    The Superyacht market – present and future/The brokerage and charter markets/Where will future growth come from?/What is the future for the emerging markets? by Lauren Perignon, COO, Camper & Nicholsons

10.00    How can the yachting industry work to improve its image?

10.20    What is the future for private yacht ownership, brokerage and chartering?/Is there a need for a broker`s code of ethics?

10.40    Questions and Discussion

11.00    Refreshments and Exhibition

Session Two: Investing in and developing the superyacht industry

11.30    Why invest in the marine industry?/Our observations of the sector by Martin Bellamy, Group Chairman and Chief Executive, Salamanca Marine

11.50    Understanding changing consumer needs. Important? by Mark Cornell, CEO, Edmiston

12.10    Exploiting the synergies between luxury brands and yachting industries by Tine A. Willumsen, CEO, Above & Beyond

12.30    Yacht support/Strategic partnerships/Through life care/Purchasing/supplies access by Toby Allies, Sales & Marketing Director, Pendennis

12.50    Panel Discussion: How can yards and other Superyacht sectors target new clients?/Who are the new breeds of owners?/Innovative marketing strategies and how they compare with traditional marketing methods used by the yachting industry

13.10    Lunch

Session Three: Regulation and compliance

14.30    Update on regulatory changes: Impact of Passenger Yacht Code/Practical aspects of MLC/Manila amendments to STCW (yacht manning and certification) by Tony Allen, Partner, Hill Dickinson

15.00    Paris MOU inspections of commercial and private yachts

15.20    Potential impact of the Concordia accident on Superyacht regulations by Paul Hailwood, Paul Hailwood Consultancy

15.50    Panel discussion

16.20    Exhibition and Refreshments

Session Four: Champagne roundtables

16.50    Network and debate hot topics with delegates and speakers/Champagne roundtables assemble groups of up to 10 per table to discuss subjects of mutual interest over refreshments.

17.50    Conference Cocktail Party


08.30    Refreshments

09.10    Chair`s opening remarks to Day Two and Roundtable review

Session Five: Crew and owners

09.30    Where are we going to find the crew of tomorrow?/What factors are affecting the supply and shortages of crew?/future salary rises and the economic implications for owners/how can the industry sell itself to the crew of tomorrow? by Nick Saul, Managing Director, Bachmann Marine

09.50    Packaging of employment benefits/The limitations of MLC and the need for Superyacht crew to plan their own financial futures/Getting to grips with offshore status, tax, insurance and pensions/Case studies by Bransom Bean, Moore Stephens

10.10    Dealing with on board health emergencies/Steps owners and captains should take to protect their crew/The scope of telemedicine/Real-life case studies

10.30    Questions and Discussion

11.00    Exhibition and Refreshments

Session Six: Finance, insurance and tax

11.30    What is the role of the corporate service provider? by Gabriel Gonzalez, Sovereign

11.50    What is the future shape of private yacht ownership and yacht chartering in the EU VAT system?/Changes taking place in January 2010, 2011 and 2013/Impact on yacht leasing/Difference between long-term and short-term use/Visiting yachts by Ayuk Ntuiabane, Moore Stephens

12.10    Fiscal input of the yachting industry

12.30    Questions and Discussion

12.50    Lunch

Session Seven: The Future of Yacht Design and Technology

14.10    Innovation and Technology: enhancing the owner experience/Does my yacht have to be painted white?/How can I reduce my insurance premiums?/Transferring technology from industry to yachting by Neil Anderson, Dupont

14.30    Shipyard standards / Standardization of yacht management/The need for yards to offer after-sales support/Software standards/Shipyard work orders and purchasing/Addressing poor workmanship in the industry
How do you know who the experts are?/Is there a need for quality certification?/What factors need to be taken into account when installing new systems?/Ensuring owners` reps, shipyards and project managers to communicate In the early stages of a new build project by Derik Wagner, Managing Director, MTN Satellite Services

15.20    Panel Debate

16.00    Exhibition and Refreshments

16.30    Close of Conference

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