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Audio Visual systems Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

Sound A/D appoints Veritais as exclusive supplier to superyacht market

April 04, 2012

Written by Chelsea Smith

Veritais Ltd has been appointed exclusive European supplier to the luxury yacht sector by French company Sound A/D, a specialist in ultra-high-quality speaker systems.  The agreement is for an initial 12 months.  Sound A/D is based in Cannes and markets two ranges of fully customisable speakers that Veritais recognised as being particularly attractive to owners... ... read full story

e3 launches new pre-activated DirecTV decoder service for yachts from Antigua

October 10, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

Due to the bottleneck in DirecTV decoder activations, caused by hundreds of yachts and superyachts arriving in the Caribbean simultaneously for the yacht charter season, e3 Antigua has launched a new service to combat these delays and frustrations. Any yacht can either order new, pre-activated DirecTV decoders with 6-month subscriptions, or arrange for existing decoders... ... read full story

e3 Systems opens new base in STP Shipyard Mallorca and launches new Training Facility

September 14, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

e3 are pleased to announce the opening of their new base in the recently refurbished RS Global Building inside STP shipyard Mallorca, the Balearics. e3 will retain its head office in Portals Nous but has moved its technical and stores facilities to the new building. e3 joins several other businesses inside STP to offer the... ... read full story

The Micro Marine Stereo for Superyachts and Tenders

August 23, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

The Micro Marine Stereo for Superyachts and Tenders

The Micro Marine Stereo for superyachts and tenders was discovered by the Marine AV purchasing team on one of their trips to scour the world for innovative and interesting audio visual equipment. The Marine Micro was nearly overlooked completely as at three inches in diameter it is both incredibly small and bears an uncanny resemblance... ... read full story

Veritais signs agreement with marine electronics company e3 Systems

July 04, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

Veritais signs agreement with top marine electronics company e3 Systems  - Satellite TV antennae

Veritais has reached agreement with top marine electronics company e3 Systems to act as a distribution partner for the Mallorca‐based Company. This represents an extension of the Veritais business model that previously focused on specifying premium‐level, on board entertainment systems. Under the new arrangement Veritais will now also be supplying VSAT, 3G Europe, GSM and... ... read full story

Audio Visual Specialist Veritais Ltd appoints new associate

March 07, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

Veritais, the leading supplier of high‐end audio‐visual systems to the international luxury yacht sector, is to work with Sarah Flavell, formerly of Harris, Grant Associates, to enhance its sales and customer support capability. ... read full story

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