Studio Cichero Luxury Yacht & Superyacht News

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Studio Cichero Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

Studio Cichero srl nominated for IY&A Award 2015 with their innovative 163m mega yacht concept

November 25, 2014

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

The impressive 163m mega yacht concept superbly penned by Studio Cichero srl has been successfully shortlisted to participate in the fifth annual International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2015, competing in the ‘Yacht Concept over 40 metres’ category. ... read full story

CNP Naumachos 105 Explorer Motor Yacht in Build

April 06, 2011

Written by Chelsea Smith

The Naumachos 105ft explorer yacht that is currently in build at the Cantiere Navale di Pesaro yard features a rugged design by Hydro Tec with interior styling by Studio Cichero. The Naumachos 105 yacht boasts a full displacement steel hull with zero speed stabilization and a light alloy superstructure. The yacht has an optional diesel electric hybrid propulsion system, constructed with the intention of having a minimal impact on the environment and a 'go anywhere mentality' with a large cruising range of 4,000 – 9,000 nm combined with Italian interior design style. ... read full story

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