Video: CRN 129 CHOPI CHOPI Yacht entering port of Bonifacio in Corsica

July 16, 2014, saw the breath-taking CRN 129 Chopi Chopi yacht enter the port ...

Video: CRN 129 CHOPI CHOPI Yacht entering port of Bonifacio in Corsica

August 06, 2014

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

July 16, 2014, saw the breath-taking CRN 129 Chopi Chopi yacht enter the port of Bonifacio as the largest yacht ever to have visited this beautiful Corsica yacht charter destination, nestled in the Mediterranean. Launched by Ancona-based CRN Yachts in January 2013, the impressive 80-metre motor yacht Chopi Chopi stands out for her immense spaciousness, a light, airy environment, streamlined and yet soft lines, a painstaking care for details and onboard well-being, light effects and, last but not least, a direct visual contact with the sea. Below is a video showing the striking Chopi Chopi while entering the port of Bonifacio, published by Andy Wheeler.

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